Planning your work

The internet gives us amazing access to inspiration, ideas, and resources. Save any images you are inspired by to share with us at Tribute Studios.

If you want a font on your piece of work, use a free resource like

Remember that any procedure (Piercing or Tattoo) means you can’t go swimming until it heals completely. Plan vacations, and your appointment to keep this in mind.

 Previous to your appointment:

You can’t get tattooed if you have a sunburn or are peeling from a sunburn. Watch your exposure to excess sun!

Don’t drink heavily the day before. Alcohol is a blood thinner and it will cause excessive bleeding.

Things to remember on the day of your appointment:

  • Avoid lotions and perfumes.

  • Make sure you shower. A clean body heals better.

  • Avoid blood thinners like aspirin or alcohol the day of your appointment


How do I care for my work?

Click here for: Tattoo Aftercare

Click here for: Piercing Aftercare